Minor Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery in Sutton

With advanced technology, experienced practitioners and modern facilities, dental surgery in Sutton has advanced considerably.

The teams at Sutton Dentists and Sutton Dental & Medical are qualified to perform minor oral surgery in clinic in order to provide specific treatment options for patients who need them. These surgical interventions can include procedures such as the extraction of wisdom teeth and the extraction of impacted or broken or injured teeth. Certain Dental Implant procedures also require minor oral surgery. Here in Sutton you can be assured you’ll be in safe hands.

As dentists we try to save every tooth in every case, but in rare occasions this is not the possible. This can be due to extensive tooth decay, advanced gum disease or severe trauma. In cases like this, extraction of the severely damaged tooth can be the best and healthiest option for the patient.

  • Prior to the minor surgery, every detail will be explained and all your questions answered, to keep you at ease. The whole procedure will happen once you are comfortable enough to proceed. The procedure is done under local anaesthetic and your dentist will ensure that you are pain-free.
  • On completion of the procedure, we’ll provide you with full aftercare instructions and further appointments scheduled to check everything is healing as expected. There is absolutely nothing to be worried about, in the hands of our experienced dental surgeons you will be given utmost care to make sure you get highest level of treatment.
  • You will also be advised on all appropriate tooth replacement options if you wish to replace the missing tooth after the extraction.

If you have any queries about tooth extraction and oral surgery, please get in touch with us today.